Flexible installation

Alternative Septic Systems

Strictly Septic’s innovative and environmentally-friendly alternative septic system. These systems are designed for properties with challenging soil or site conditions that make it difficult to install a conventional septic system. Alternative septic systems can include sand mound systems, pressure distribution systems, and drip irrigation systems.

Anywhere Septic

Our alternative septic systems, decades of experience and septic design engineers allow for affordable and reliable septic systems that can be installed anywhere. Our use of advanced technologies and methods to treat wastewater more efficiently and with less impact on the environment ensure you’re complying with local regulations no matter where you’re located.

Benefits of Alternative Septic Systems

Flexible installation

Alternative septic systems can be installed in areas with challenging soil conditions, high groundwater tables, or other environmental limitations. This means they can be used in a wide variety of locations, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Lower maintenance costs

Alternative septic systems require less maintenance than conventional systems, as they are designed to operate more efficiently and with fewer mechanical components. This means lower costs and fewer disruptions to your daily life or business operations.

Regulation Compliance

Many alternative septic systems meet or exceed regulatory requirements for wastewater treatment. This means you can rest assured that your system is following local septic regulations. In addition, Strictly Septic Service offers industry leading maintenance.


Alternative septic systems are often compact and require less space than conventional systems. This makes them ideal for properties where space is limited or where traditional septic systems are not feasible. Ask about our septic system design service!

Treatment Efficiency

These systems use advanced treatment methods such as aerobic digestion, sand filtration, or membrane bioreactors, which can produce cleaner effluent than conventional systems. This reduces risk of groundwater contamination and helps protect public health.

Alternative Septic Systems

Alternative Septic System
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